Finding your way to One Spoiled Kitty

Bus Service

One Spoiled Kitty is located very close to the Portage Avenue and Valour Road intersection. This means you can get here by bus on any of these routes:

11, 12, 21, 22, 24, and 67.

Our being close to Polo Park and downtown means you have many more options with only a single transfer.

Parking Map

Parking is available behind One Spoiled Kitty, on Portage Avenue, Valour Road, and Spruce Street.

Portage Avenue is a no parking zone between 3:30pm to 5:30pm on weekdays, and one hour between 9am and 3:30pm on Saturdays.

Keep in mind the store entrance is in front. You can load in the back if you need to – we have a back door that only opens from the inside.